GOAPP Discussion Group, October 23, 2007

Location: Gordon Riley Conference Room, Department of Oceanography, 3rd Floor LSC

Time: 3:30-5:00pm

Title: Plans for coupling and coupled data assimilation in GOAPP, and interactions with Mercator and CONCEPTS

Discussion leader: Hal Ritchie


Sub-Theme I.2 in our Global Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction and Predictability (GOAPP) network deals with coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling and data assimilation. Project I.2.1 is on independent assimilation into coupled models, while project I 2.2 consists of exploratory studies on joint assimilation into coupled models. Coupling the GEM atmospheric model with the Mercator NEMO/OPA ocean model, together with their associated data assimilation systems, is an important element of this research. A key GOAPP objective is to develop new and improved methods, and provide them for transfer into the operational coupled data assimilation and prediction system that is being developed through the inter-departmental federal government initiative called the Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems (CONCEPTS). Now that our GOAPP and CONCEPTS teams are in place and activity is accelerating, careful planning and coordination will be important. As background for the discussion, an update will be given on CONCEPTS following a trip to interact with Mercator in Toulouse, October 15-18. The discussion will focus on plans for installing the Mercator ocean data assimilation system in Canada, for coupling the NEMO/OPA model with GEM, for the research in projects I.2.1 and I.2.2, for coordinating with related GOAPP projects, and for interacting with CONCEPTS and Mercator.

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