GOAPP Discussion Group, December 09, 2009

Location: LSC 812, 8th floor Biology, Dalhousie

Time: 2:00-3:30pm

Title: Global Ocean Reanalysis Simulations at Mercator Océan GLORYS1: the Argo years 2002-2008

Discussion Leader: Laurent Parent, Mercator Ocean


Mercator Océan develops and operates different ocean forecasting systems based on OGCM models and advanced data assimilation schemes using altimetry, sea surface temperature and in-situ data. During the MyOcean European project (2009-2011), Mercator Océan will become a main contributor for the delivery of regular and systematic information to intermediate users & downstream service provider. To accomplish this mission, a global high resolution (1/12°) system based on NEMO ocean model and a reduced order extended Kalman filter will be setup with an operational status in 2011. Besides this exciting challenge, a global median-resolution (1/4°) system is running operationally with success since spring 2008 and allowed a large improvement compared to the previous one. Moreover, this system is currently used to produce different reanalysis simulations: Argo years: 2002-2008 then Altimetry years: 1992-2008. We will expose the status of the GLORYS1 reanalysis after 2 years of integration, its strengths and limitations compared to the current operational global ocean forecasting system, some technical points on the data assimilation system, and its necessary customization before the integration of a new reanalysis simulation with NEMO3 ocean model.

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