Principal Investigator
Co-Lead, Scientific Steering Committee
Hal Ritchie Department of Oceanography Dalhousie University Room 5660A LSC 1355 Oxford Street PO Box 15000 Halifax, NS B3H 4R2 Canada Tel: (902) 494-5192 Fax: (902) 494-2885
Hal Ritchie is a Senior Scientist, Meteorological Service of Canada, and an Adjunct Professor, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University. His main areas of interest are numerical weather prediction and coupled numerical modelling for environmental prediction. He is the senior MSC research scientist for the National Laboratory for Marine and Coastal Meteorology (NLMCM), which grew out of the successful Atlantic Environmental Prediction Research Initiative (AEPRI) of Dr. Ritchie and others, and also heads a group at RPN investigating coupled modelling. His past efforts include participation in the development of the Canadian Global Spectral Forecast Model and the application of semi-Lagrangian spectral models at CMC and ECMWF. His current interests, and those of the NLMCM, include coupled atmosphere- hydrology modelling, operational storm surge prediction, atmosphere-ice-ocean modelling, and the extratropical transition of hurricanes.
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