Youmin Tang University of Northern British Columbia Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering 3333 University Way Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9 Canada Tel: (250) 960-6533 Fax: (250) 960-5190
Youmin Tang holds a Canada Research Chair in climate prediction and predictability at the University of Northern British Columbia. His research fields include large-scale air-sea interaction, ocean data assimilation, and the climate prediction/predictability at time-scales of months to years. His research encompasses the improvement of prediction skill and the estimation of the prediction uncertainty. He has published on ocean data assimilation, ENSO theory and prediction, the estimation of uncertainty in prediction and other relevant subjects. His ENSO prediction model is one of only a few of dynamical-based models to routinely issue El Nino predictions via the Experimental Long Lead Forecast Bulletin. His work on the use of ocean reanalysis products to initialize ENSO predictions was selected as the AGU journal highlight in 2003.
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